Facebook For Business

How to Create Your Own Facebook Business Page

Journey of a Thousand Steps Begins with One Facebook Post.. and a Facebook Business page!


Ah Facebook, the place to brag about your holiday, keep in touch with the family and garner some “likes” on the latest picture of your cat.

How to Create your own Facebook business page
Cats, People and Holiday snaps.

Entertainment at the scroll of a finger, who doesn’t love it.

From the perspective of a small business owner having your own Facebook Business page is about engaging with your customers.

It is that virtual cup of coffee with a mate on a sunny afternoon, that says hello, this is me, I see you, we are friends.

By focusing on the connection, and applying 70% of your effort with connecting, the 30% of marketing and selling your product will fall into place.

Facebook is the biggest social network out there and it’s where your potential customers, and business prospects are.

Not only will Facebook help you find specific people, it also allows you to target these people.

Once you get these potentials onto your Facebook Business page, you engage, you interact and before you know it, they will be “liking” your cat and buying your product.

Let’s start to create your own Facebook Business Page.

Facebook Business Page Login
Facebook Login

Step 1: Log into your personal account on Facebook. 

You will have to make your business page from your personal profile because you will be the administrator.

Don’t worry, they will be completely separate, no one can even see the name of the administrator of the page or any of your personal details.

Step 2: Create your business page.

Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php.

Take a look at the main categories and select the one that best fits your business.

From there, click on the sub categories for a better definition.

You can also add your website so that people know where to find you off Facebook.

Facebook Business Page
Create Your Own Facebook Business Page

Spend some time deciding on your Page name.

Facebook Local Business Page
Facebook Local Business Page

Branding is important and so are keywords because they help your page show up in the Facebook search.

Add the fabulous name of your business.

Select the box next to “I agree to Facebook Pages Terms” and click Get Started.

Step 3: Add the best profile photo the internet has ever seen.

Okay, no pressure. You can easily come back and edit this.

Don’t lose sleep over it but definitely put some careful thought into what your photo will be.

If you have already designed a logo and a brand name then it will be easy.

Create Facebook Business Page

Be sure to add a profile photo and a cover photo as having both of those will help you to show up higher in the search results.

Facebook Business Cover Page
Get a Professionally Designed Facebook Cover

Your Profile Photo can easily be you Logo.

Click on the Camera Logo and just upload your business Logo.

If you are truly stumped for a cover photo then head over to a website like fiverr.com, where you can get a professionally designed cover picture for a decent price.

You may want to order a couple of Cover Photo’s and update it to keep your page fresh or for seasonal changes.

For example a cover picture for Christmas, Easter or New Year.

Allow your creativity to run a muck.

Step 4: Fill in your About Section

Your About information should contain as many relative keywords as possible.

Now is not the time to be reticent.

Unleash the verbs and tell the world what your product/service is about.

Facebook Business About Page

Step 5: Like Yourself

Lead by example grasshopper and ‘like’ yourself.

Then go to “Update your info/Edit Your Info” and add even more exciting and Facebook Business Page Tipsinteresting elements to what your business is about.

  • Include a Mission Statement
  • Add Pictures
  • Add Videos
  • Edit Products
  • Add Awards
  • Add Achievements
  • Tell Your Story
  • Create an Event or
  • Create a Milestone

Also go through all the ever changing sections in the behind the scenes at Facebook.

It is pretty good at prompting you on how to fine tune your page but don’t rest on your laurels.

Have a look at the widgets often, you never know what new fangled settings have arisen.

Facebook Business Page Widgets

Step 6: Create Your First Post

In fact create a few so that by the time you are spreading the word, customers have something to look at when they first visit your page. Facebook Business Page Likes

Invite your friends to “like” your page and refer ‘share’ your page to their friends.

Have something entertaining to share. It sweetens the deal.

The more entertained customers are by your page the more likely you will appear in their friends’ newsfeed.

It is that simple. They like, they Share, others care and then buy.

Be consistent with your posting, be relevant and be excited about it.

One of your posts could indeed include a photo of your cat lounging across your products.

For some reason, cats seem to be an effective way of capitalising on a strong social media startegy.

The ancient Egyptians did it.

In fact, it is said, that legend has it, that the adoration of cats might be the reason the internet was invented in the first place.

Facebook Business Page



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